6 Feb.

Feb. 6th notes (week 4)

Individual midterm Tues 2/18, group Thurs 2/20.

office hours for lab 2 write up:

  • isaac friday 12 - 2 pm
  • Allie Monday 10am - noon
  • Jim Monday 3 - 5 pm
  • Ethan Tuesday 5 - 7 pm

suggestions for lab 2:

  • is there a difference in bicep muscle forces across angles?
  • does the force applied predict bicep muscle force?


  • isometric holds are good for strength training
  • rehabilitation is a application where joint load is important to manage

methods will probably be 2 paragraphs
1 for participants
1 for protocol

microfet 2 or ergo fet by hoggan salt lake city utah

confidence interval adjustment: choose bonferoni (distributes 0.05 value across all trials)

sidac is less strict, LSD is least strict

omnibus test: was there or was there not a difference between trials?

If ANOVA shows statistically significant difference, then include R^2 value.

cane on contralateral example

pulley tendon injury example